Saturday, 26 January 2008

A day of awful odds

The odds for today's horses were really low and after 2 losers I was left with the risk of having to recoup over £35.00 if my third horse lost. After seeing the way things were going I decided that if I had 4 losers I would call it a day and take a loss. Thankfully my third horse, Nevertika, came in, but the experience has made me realise the need to be flexible in my strategy so that I don't destroy my bank.

Hope you have a prosperous days betting!

Daily profit: + £4.50
Total profit: +£69.50


kokos said... is posomple to give us your selection?..


Managed Risk said...

a win is a win! nice job.

Managed Risk said...

Just a thought. I have used a progression in the past that might be ideal for your operation in order to keep the betting from getting too high.


You need a 2/1 minimum starting price to make this work but it is very good

Let me know what you think.


The 20k Challenge said...

Hi Zappi. Thanks for your suggestion, I don't quite understand your suggested staking plan - can you explain a bit more please? I'm definately interested in anything that reduces the risk of big losses.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Kokos - it's tricky for me to give my selections in advance as my system is based on backing the favourites and these can change in the last few minutes before a race begins. However, it's easy for you to do the same as I do - just back the favourite in each race. Hope this helps. Best of luck.

kokos said...

do you have any money managment?...are you backing all the favorites?


Managed Risk said...

You start the staking plan at the first step which is $1 if it losses you move to the next step $1 and so on until you have a winner when you have a winner you always return to this first step $1

Remember all selections must have a starting price of at least 2/1 it can be more but never less to insure a profit.

In your case I believe that you would be putting less of your betting bank at risk. any questions let me know

good luck Zappi

kokos said...

hi zappi..thank you for replying...
you mean bet favorites 1$...ok?...the second one 1+1=2$...and if that i will lost 2+1=3$ etc..untill my bet win....then i come back to the 1$..rigth?...
and you back all the favoritesjust baso on odds..nothing else...rigth?...

thanks a lot...

kokos said...

and something many horse (favorite) has lost?...i mean contineuslly.....

thanks again..

The 20k Challenge said...

Thanks ever so much for your reply zappi, I understand what you mean now. I'll keep a note of the odds of the favourites I bet on and see if I'm able to use you staking suggestion - it certainly seems much more gentle on the bank = ) Best of luck with your betting!

The 20k Challenge said...

Kokos, just to clarify I bet on all of the favourites and increase my stakes to cover my losses. However, if I have a run of 6 losers I stop betting for the day and take a loss. Hope this helps.

Brian Coplin said...

To increase your profits further try to get concessions on your side as well. Best Odds guaranteed with boyles,bet365,betdirect,stan james and betterbet, free faller concessions with vcbet when on, no rule 4 for 5p deductions etc. If you are backing at SP consider SP+ with Neville Porter pays better than SP+ with centrebet for the factions that counts. E.g. 7/2 SP pay 4/1 with Neville Porter but on 15/4 with Canbet and Centrebet.

If you need more assistance then just let me know.